Glossary of Ultra Terms

This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


Understanding Ultra Terminology

Understanding the terminology used in Ultra is one of the best ways to acclimate oneself to Ultra Course View.  Below is a glossary of terms, a definition for each, with each term linking to a tutorial to learn more.

OCV = Original Course View

UCV = Ultra Course View

Ultra Term Definition
Accommodations Time allotment and/or due date accommodations set for a particular student as identified by the Student Disability Services.
Alert Settings When configured in a course, Alert Settings places a message in the student's Activity Stream about their performance and/or activity in the course when they fall below a threshold identified by the instructor. Threshold indicators are the number of days inactive in a course and/or falling below an overall grade percentage. 
Analytics Various analytics help the instructor in monitoring student performance and engagement throughout the course duration.  Available analytics include Discussion Analytics, Progress Tracking, Student Progress, Attendance Tracking, Student Activity, Course Activity, and Question Analysis.
Assessments Assessments cover both assignments and tests within a course.
Batch Editing Known as Date Management in OCV.  Batch Editing allows the instructor to manage dates and to set student visibility of content items throughout the course.
Books & Tools Provides access to the course and institution tools integrated into Bb. Such items include Respondus Lockdown Browser, My Textbooks, Microsoft Teams, and various publisher courseware items.
Cloud Collaboration Document Adds a document to a course that students can collectively edit and collaborate on. Collaborative Documents can be a Microsoft Word document, PowerPoint presentation, or Excontentcel spreadsheet.
Cloud Storage Content added to a course from files housed in the cloud from either Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Or Box.
Content Collection Known as Course Files in OCV.
Content Market Discover and add content and tools from external sources integrated into Blackboard, such as publisher course ware. 
Content Search Allows users (both faculty and students) to search course content titles to find an item on the course content page.
Conversation Class conversations can be enabled on various content items allowing students to discuss the content with you and their classmates. They can ask for help, share sources, or answer questions others have. 
Copy Content Known as Course Copy in OCV.  Copy Content allows the instructor to copy over an entire course from one Bb shell to another or to select individual content items by items for copying (e.g. modules, folders, or one specific item).  There are (2) paths to the Copy Content screen, one through Copy Content, the other through Copy Items.
Copy Items Known as Course Copy in OCV.  Copy Content allows the instructor to copy over an entire course from one Bb shell to another or to select individual content items by items for copying (e.g. modules, folders, or one specific item).  There are (2) paths to the Copy Content screen, one through Copy Content, the other through Copy Items.
Course Activity A view of student grades that highlights students to monitor in comparison with their peers. Can be used to identify “at-risk” students, allowing the professor to see the correlation between one’s grade, their time spent in the Blackboard shell, their time last accessed, and missed deadlines.
Course Content Page This is the main landing page upon entering a course and is the source of navigation throughout the course as well as where course content is presented.
Course Image Known as Course Banner in OCV.  Course image provides the ability to upload a graphic into the top section of the course to readily identify the course, personalize it, and differentiate it from other courses.
Course Tasks & Logs Known as Packages & Utilities in OCV. The Tasks tab records tasks completed in the course regarding course copies or imports/exports made into the course.  The Logs tab identifies copies or imports made into the course and the date it occurred. 
Discussion Analytics Provides the instructor with insight into the student’s writing level and engagement with discussion board topics. The instructor can check factors such as sentence complexity, critical thinking, number of replies, and word variation.
Discussions Known as the Discussion Board in OCV.  Discussions is where meaningful class conversations occur in response to prompts provided by the instructor.
Document A basic content type that allows you to combine a variety of materials to view together, such as text, multimedia, and attachments.
Embedded Document Documents from your CMU OneDrive, when added to a course shell, create a sharable document that can be edited by the instructor in the course without overriding the original.
Exception An exception includes either additional attempts or extended access on a graded activity in the course for a specific student or group of students.  An exception overrides the attempt and due date settings applied to everyone else for that specific assessment only.
Exemption Exempt students from having to complete a required assessment or activity in the course.  When exempted, a student’s overall grade calculation is automatically adjusted for them.
Forced Sequence  Forced Sequence requires students to access modules (and the content housed within them) in the order defined by the instructor.  Forced Sequence can only be used on modules and not on other content items such as folders, documents, links, etc.
Gradebook Known as the Grade Center in OCV.  Access all the coursework specific to the course you're in. Here you can grade coursework, manage items, and post grades.  Students view their grades earned in the course from the Gradebook, but have a view limited to their own work.
Messages Known as Send Email in OCV.  Messages provide a way for the instructor to send reminders, prompt students to engage in the course or complete missing work, or offer up an encouraging word.  
Module A module is the top layer for organizing and housing content and also provides navigational elements to guide users through the course.   Additional content items (folders, documents, links, etc) can be added into a module but a module cannot be added to another module or other content items.
Parallel Grading Known as Delegated Grading in OCV.  Specific users in a course can be set up to grade sets of assessment submissions. Graders can't see other graders' grades, feedback, annotations on student files, and rubrics. They grade in parallel and provide provisional grades. The default grading roles include instructors, graders, and teaching assistants. The instructor role is the default final grader or reconciler. If more than one instructor role exists in the course, the primary instructor is the reconciler of grades.  The reconciler reviews the provisional grades and determines the final grades that students see.
Progress Tracking Allows students to track their progress through the course with every content item or assessment displayed with a circle icon indicating progress on that item by a status of not yet accessed, opened but not completed, or completed.  The instructor also has access to the status on a student's progress throughout the course by either an individual module or from the Gradebook.
Question Analysis Question analysis provides statistics on overall performance, assessment quality, and individual questions. This data helps you recognize questions that might be poor discriminators of student performance. Question analysis is for assessments with questions. 
Question Bank Known as Question Pools in OCV.  Question Banks can be imported for use in assessments in the course. Instructors typically use banks to create a database of questions (aka Question Pools) they can reuse in multiple assessments. Question Banks house the various Question Pools in a course.  Original Course View test pools appear as Ultra Question Banks after conversion.
Question Pool Known as Random Block or Question Set in OCV.  When creating a test you can use question pools to be sure each student receives a different set of questions, pulled from the pool. 
Release Conditions Known as Adaptive Release in OCV.  Access to content or graded activities released to students based on one of a variety of conditions:  Membership, Date/Time, or Performance.
Roster Known as Users & Groups in OCV.  The Roster shows the users enrolled in the course along with their role (student, instructor, TA, etc.)
Student Activity The total time spent in a course by each student in correlation to their grade.
Student Progress Progress Tracking provides the instructor with a Student Progress Report which gives insight into the progress students are making in the course showing the path the student has taken in the course with date/time stamps on the access to each item.