Student Activity Report

This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


Student Activity Overview

Use this function to see a student's activity in the course and grade progression or review their activity for when they have opened, started, or submitted a specific test or assignment as well as the overall class scores for an individual assessment. 

Ways to Access Student Activity

Student activity can be viewed for overall in the course or by an individual assignment.

Student Activity - Overall in the Course

Student Activity overall in the course is found on the Student Overview page and can be accessed in the Gradebook through either the List View or the Grid View. The Grid View provides the most direct access.  

From the Grid View of the Gradebook, click click on a student name to open the Student Overview page.

From the List View of the Gradebook, click on a student name to open the student record.  The Grades tab shows the grades earned thus far in the course.  Click on the Progress tab (shows the student's progress throughout the course), then on Student Activity in the upper right corner.

Student Record from Student List View Tab


The Student Details page opens and shows (2) activity reports:  Activity Per Week (hours in Course) and Grade.  There is a Table and List View for each of these reports. All report views provide a Download option.

Activity Per Week (hours in Course)

Table View:

The grey line shows the average activity level by all students in the course.  The purple line reflects the student's activity level in the course each week.

Student Activity by Hours in Course Per Week

List View:

Student Activity by Hours in Course Per Week - List View


Grade Report

Table View:

The grey line shows the average grade earned by all students in the course.  The purple line reflects the student's grade in the course each week.

Student Activity by Grade - Table View

List View:

Student Activity by Grade - List View


Assessment View of Student Activity

1. Select the three dots to the right of the desired assignment. From the menu, select Student Activity.


2. The window will display various statistics related to the assignment. These include submission time, time before the due date (if you are opening the assignment before said due date), scores, and submission activity.


3. Next to each student name in the Activity Timeline section is a set of lines. Each line displays information about when the student opened, started, saved, and submitted the assignment.

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Article ID: 36934
Fri 2/10/23 10:49 AM
Tue 6/27/23 10:35 AM