Knowledge Base

Categories (8)

Getting Started / CMU Services

Helpful articles to get started: Welcome to the KB, new student help, programs and applications installed, starter articles and policies, forms and training for Central

Technology @ CMU Orientation

Technology overview for students, faculty, and staff that are new to CMU!

CMU Printing Services

Information for CMU Printing Services Customers who need to see examples and associated prices.

General Account Access

Services pertaining to your CMU Global ID, library systems access, guest accounts, and other account-related information.


SPAM filtering, security incident response, security consultations, physical security, and other access controls.

Teaching, Learning, and Research

Media production, test scoring, library services, distance learning, and more.

Articles (1)

Welcome to the CMU Knowledge Base (please Sign In to view all article content)

Please Sign In to view all article content. Some articles are available for public view, while the majority of content requires you Sign In with a CMU Global ID and Password to view.