Class Roster


What is the Roster?

Use the Roster link on the Course Content page found under Details and Actions to view your class list, connect with your students, and match faces to names. You can also send messages to anyone involved with your course.

Pictures of users who have uploaded a their picture to their Profile from the Blackboard homepage will display on the Class Roster.  If no picture has been added to the user's profile, a generic silhouette appears in the roster. Users' profile pictures also appear in the Gradebook, groups, discussions, conversations, and messages next to their activity.  Profile pictures also appear on the Course Content page.

Select a name to view more information. The level of access to this information is controlled by each user from the profile privacy settings on the Blackboard homepage.


Roster Views & Filters

The Roster offers (2) views to choose from: grid view or list view. The roster remains in the selected view until you change it, even if you log out.

  • Grid view is sorted automatically first by role, then by last name. Roles appear in this order: instructors, teaching assistants, graders, course builders, and students. To manually sort the list, switch to list view.
  • List view is sorted by last name by default. Select the Name or Role headings to sort the contents.

*If more than one user has the same name, names are ordered by student IDs.

From the drop-down menu in the upper right corner, views can be filtered by roles, such as instructors or support faculty. The filter options are based on the roles found in the course. You can also filter by Students with Accommodations. Students with accommodations have a purple flag icon next to their names in the roster

Roster Filter                 Accommodation Flag on Student Name


User Information

Click on a user name for a Member Information side panel to appear with further details on the person. If a user has added this to their profile, the following can be found:

  • Phonetic spelling of the person's name.
  • Audio recording of how to say the person's name (if the user has recorded this, a speaker icon displays with their name)
  • Preferred pronouns

Member Information - User Profile Details

Managing Users

With the appropriate course permissions, some user management functions can be completed from the roster. Click on a person to open their Member Information side panel to access the menu and change user roles, deny access, or remove a person from your course. People you deny access to appear with a gray profile picture with a diagonal line. 

User Settings from Roster

To add a user to the course:  Select the  + icon in the upper right corner (Step 1) > Enroll People.  Search by first name, last name, or global ID (Step 2).  Once located, click the + icon by their name (Step 3), determine the appropriate role they are to have in the course & hit Save (Step 4). 

NOTE:  Unavailable users at the system level can't be enrolled in courses and don't show in the search results.

Step 1: Enroll People  


Step 2:  Search for User


Step 3:        Adding a Student 


Step 4:     Selecting User Role

To deny a user access to the course:  UNcheck the box "Allow access to course "under Course Settings on the Member Information side panel.  This removes the course from displaying on the Courses tab on the Bb homepage to the user.  Any work submitted by the user along with activity logs and other user data is retained in the course. If desired to re-allow the user access to the course, check the "Allow access to course" and the user's access is reinstated to the course.

To remove a user from your course [PROCEED WITH CAUTION]:  Click on a user name to open the Member Information side panel and click on the trash can to the right of their name:

Removing a User from a Course


Remove Member


Setting the Primary Instructor of Record

If your course has more than one instructor, determine which instructor is the “primary” instructor of record. This ensures that when students email the instructor from the Blackboard course shell, it goes to this instructor and that Announcements posted in the course are posted in the name of the primary instructor. From the Roster, click the 3 dots next to desired primary instructor’s profile card > member information > check the Primary Instructor box > Save.

Primary Instructor Option in the Roster

Search Option

To search the Roster for a particular individual, click the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner.  A search box will appear where a name, username, or at least two letters of a name can be entered to reveal matches. Any filters previously selected are cleared when you perform a new search.


Student View vs Instructor View

Students can access the course roster as well but have a view more limited than that of the instructors. Students do not see the instructor(s) for the course listed and only see other students in the course.  Students cannot see the purple accommodations flag set for any student receiving accommodations.

Turning Off The Roster

If desired, the ability for students in your course to view the roster can be turned off by going to Course Settings in the upper right corner of the Ultra shell, then toggling the Students Can View the Class Roster to off.


Setting Accommodations

Accommodations for students is set through the Roster.  To learn more see Accommodations in Ultra.
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