All Other Specific Technology Forms and Services

Categories (9)

Administrative and Business Applications

Administrative CMU applications and services such as SAP, document imaging, CRM, and department-specific applications.

General Account Access

Services pertaining to your CMU Global ID, library systems access, guest accounts, and other account-related information.

Teaching, Learning, and Research

Media production, room mediation, Blackboard Learn, test scoring, library services, distance learning and physical & virtual labs.

Communication, Collaboration, and Web

Email, telephones, CMU websites, Office 365 services, text & video chat, Team Sites, distribution lists, and more.

Network and Infrastructure

Network, online, and departmental file storage; servers and hosting; and physical and wireless internet.

Computer, Device, and Printer Support

Request service on your personal or CMU-owned hardware, software, or other devices.


Security incident response, security consultations, physical security, and other access controls.

IT Professional Services

Request information technology-related training, consultation, or licensing to specific software packages.

CONNECT Cellular Services

Cellular services and devices are available to current CMU employees, students, and alumni at discounted rates.

Services (2)

General Technical Support / Request

Not finding the specific service you are looking for? Request information or assistance here and the Help Desk will do its best to help you out (or point you in the right direction). Please note, you can expect faster turnaround if you request assistance through the other, more specific service catalog entries.

Strategic Plan Technology Needs

Form to gather information on "Technology Needs" associated with CMU's Strategic Plan.