Books & Tools (additional vendor integrations)
Content Market (third-party publisher integrations)
MS Teams

Articles (7)

Books and Tools

In addition to third party publisher content, other important Tools such as Microsoft One Drive, Microsoft Teams, My Textbooks and the Respondus LockDown Browser Dashboard are also located in this area.

Content Market

The Content Market is a gateway for your users to find and add valuable external learning materials to their courses, including web-based tools and content from many different providers, such as academic publishers.

How to Use a Panopto Video as a Graded Assignment in Blackboard Ultra

This document will provide Blackboard Ultra instructors with information on how to embed Panopto videos as a graded assignment in their Blackboard Ultra course. The videos will report a grade back to the Blackboard Ultra gradebook representing the percentage of the video that the student has watched. Note: The administrator for these programs must set up the integration before instructors have this capability. They can enable this integration and feature by following the steps listed in the arti

Microsoft Teams: Integrating into Your Bb Course

Microsoft (MS) Teams can be accessed directly from within Blackboard course. The course must first be Synchronized with MS Teams. This article will assist an instructor with the Synchronization and Activation Process.

SCORM Advanced Settings and Reporting

SCORM advanced settings and reporting