This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.
If your course is in Original Course View, see this article: How to Use a Panopto Quiz with the Original Course View
For additional tutorials using Original Course View, please Original Course View tutorial collection.
This document will provide Blackboard Ultra instructors with information on how to embed Panopto videos as a graded assignment in their Blackboard Ultra course. The videos will report a grade back to the Blackboard Ultra gradebook representing the percentage of the video that the student has watched.
1. Embed a Video with a Quiz
1.1. On the course page, hover over the line underneath Course Content and select the plus + icon that appears (Fig. 1).

Figure 1
1.2. From the dropdown that appears, select Content Market (Fig. 2).

Figure 2
1.3. On the Content Market page, scroll until you find the named quiz tool set up by your Administrator and select the plus + icon from the bottom right corner to add it (Fig. 3). This is the same tool used to add quizzes to a Blackboard Ultra course. Note: for this example, the tool was called Panopto Quiz.

Figure 3
1.4. On the pop-up box that appears Select 'Grade on quiz results'. Note, instructors may also choose to grade on % of video watched. If selecting this option, please allow for a three hour delay before results appear in the grade book.

1.5. If desired, adjust the Video Embed Options, and then select Insert (Fig. 5). To learn more, see Learn About the Video Embed Options in an LMS.

Figure 5
1.6. Your video will now appear under Course Content. Students can select the video link and it will open the Panopto player inside of the Blackboard Ultra course (Fig. 6a). Students who watch the content will have their grades synced to the course's Blackboard Gradebook based on the percentage of the video that they watch. Note: By selecting the three dots to the right of the video, and then selecting Edit from the drop-down menu that appears, a window appears where you can set the visibility, due date, grade scale, and more (Fig. 6a).

Figure 6a

Figure 6b
1.7. Please note:
Learn does not currently support Blackboard Gradebook items being associated with embedded content links. If you try to embed content into a document or by using the quizzing tool in the WYSIWYG editor, the following error message will appear: Unsupported Grading Type: You can grade this item, but Learn currently doesn’t support Gradebook columns for embedded links. If you need grade support, add the item to your Course Content page instead.
There is a delay of three hours from when the student has started watching the video until grades are sent to Blackboard Ultra, resulting in a delay in their grade.
The reported percentage will always be the highest percentage of the video the student has watched, even if they rewind the video or watches it more than once and has a subsequent, partial viewing.