FeedbackFruits Tool Suite

What is FeedbackFruits?

A suite of interactive tools offered through FeedbackFruits provides methods for students to actively engage with course content, each other, and/or share insight and add to the conversation. These tools help faculty create engaging courses and stimulating active learning.  FeedbackFruits has been integrated with Blackboard and can be used to build graded and non-graded activities with scores seamlessly passed over to the Blackboard Grade Center. 

FeedbackFruits Overview Video [3m 24s]  NOTE:  Not all FeedbackFruits tools are discussed in the video.

Creating a FeedbackFruits Assignment

Editing Due Dates

Publishing Grades

Re-activating FeedbackFruits Links Post-Course Copy

Sharing a FeedbackFruits Activity


Tool Offerings and Overview

You will find each of the FeedbackFruits tools have a similar look, feel, and configuration setup. This is purposefully done so as to increase user-friendliness and to lessen the learning curve when adopting a tool for use in a course.  This FeedbackFruits Decision Tree will aid in selecting which tool to use based on the desired learning outcomes and activities.  All tools are asynchronous activities aside from Interactive Presentation which is designed to be completed in real-time.

Tools for Active Learning & Engagement

Automated Feedback Set Up Video [8m 12s]


The eight tools below are the only FeedBackFruits tools available.


Creating a FeedbackFruits Assignment | Enabling Grading

To create a FeedbackFruits assignment in a Bb shell, go to the location in the course where you want the assignment to reside, then to Build Content > FeedbackFruits:

build content button

Give the assignment a name and add a description if desired.  If the assignment is to be an ungraded activity, click Submit.  If the assignment is be graded, then set Enable Evaluation to Yes, add a point value for the assignment, ensure it is visible to students, enter in a Due Date and click Submit:

Enable Evaluation Options

Once the link has been created, click on the link again to select the specific type of Feedback Fruits tool to use (see tool offerings list above) and continue building the assignment. Optionally, if a FeedbackFruits assignment is already set up, you can choose to copy from the existing assignment. 

Editing Due Dates

Each time a FeedbackFruits activity is copied over to a new teaching shell, due dates on the assignment must be updated within the FeedbackFruits platform.  To complete this, click on the FbF link inside the course shell to launch the activity.  Once opened, click on the 3 dots found in the upper right corner, then select Edit:

Once in Edit Mode, review the steps within the activity for due dates and adjust accordingly.  Once completed, be sure to hit Save found in the upper right corner.

Publishing Grades

By default, every FeedbackFruits assignment has a point value of 100 points.   This is not a configurable option. If the desired point value is something other than 100 points, it is possible to do.  When creating the FeedbackFruits assignment link in Blackboard, set Enable Evaluation to Yes and enter in the point value the assignment is worth.  When students have completed the assignment in FeedbackFruits, the instructor clicks on Publish Grades to send the scores to the Bb Grade Center.  FeedbackFruits automatically converts the score from the 100 point scale to the Bb point value and places the respective score into the Grade Center.

Re-Activating FeedbackFruits Links Post-Course Copy

When a course containing a FeedbackFruits assignment is copied and content moved from one Blackboard course shell to another, the link to the FeedbackFruits assignment will copy over along with Bb shell content; however, the FbF assignment will need to be reattached to the link in Blackboard.  To do this, simply click on the FbF link found in Blackboard, then locate the assignment under the "Recent" column on the next screen and click on it. This will bring you to the FbF activity where you will be in Edit Mode.  FeedbackFruits assignment settings and configurations are retained, but Due Dates will need to be adjusted to reflect the current semester. 

Copying Existing FbF Activity to a New Course


Sharing a FeedbackFruits Activity

FeedbackFruits activities can be shared among instructors as desired. Watch this short video on Sharing a FeedbackFruits Activity [2m 51s].  Sharing activities is done via the 3 dots in the upper right corner > Share:

Sharing Activities

At the next screen, enter in the CMU email address of the instructor you wish to share the assignment with. If desired, add a message to clarify what is being provided, then click Share Setup:

Sharing Activity Email Message Screen

The instructor with whom you've shared your FbF activity will receive an email from that will look similar to this:

Shared Activity Email to Recipient

After View Setup is clicked, the user must accept the invitation:

Shared Activity Accept Invitation Screen

After accepting the invitation, the user is passed into the shared activity to review it. Nothing further needs to be done from this screen.

From Blackboard, access the course where it is desired the shared FbF activity be added. Build the FeedbackFruits assignment link and, once completed, click the link to pass into FeedbackFruits.  In the right “copy from existing” column, the activity that has been shared is displayed and should be clicked on.  Edit settings as desired and Save.Finding Shared Activity in Bb

FeedbackFruits Resources



FeedbackFruits Help Center


FeedbackFruits YouTube Channel

Getting Live Help

When launching or completing a FeedbackFruits assignment, instructors and students have access to live help, found in the lower-left corner.  Clicking FeedbackFruits Help Icon icon launches a live chat with the FeedbackFruits help desk.  

CMU support is also provided via CoursePro.  To obtain, submit a ticket request to CoursePro, selecting Courseware Support as the desired service.