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- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Grading & the Gradebook
- Rubrics
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Grading & the Gradebook
- Grading & Entering Grades
- Grading & Feedback
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Course Settings & Management
- Course Shell Creation
This article will cover the topic of Bb Course availability. In Bb, a course available to the students is referred to as open and a course that is unavailable to the students is referred to as closed.
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Accessing Bb; Bb Overview
- Getting Started - Bb Basics
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Grading & the Gradebook
- Managing the Gradebook
- Column Creation & Management
This article will walk you through creating manually graded gradebook columns in the Ultra Course View. Manually graded columns can be created for assignments that don't require a submission in Blackboard such as class participation, extra credit, and in-class graded assignments.
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Content Creation & Management
- Copying Content
Preparing your Blackboard shell for a new term is one of the most important tasks to master when teaching online. Research indicates that the first day often sets the classroom dynamic for the remainder of the course. This concept is no different in the online learning environment, and as such, proper course preparation is key to your success as an online educator and key to your students’ comfort within the course.
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Grading & the Gradebook
- Managing the Gradebook
- Column Creation & Management
This article will walk you through creating a Total Points column in the gradebook, as well as adding Extra Credit to students’ total. The total points column must be created as a calculated column. Currently, the Overall Grade feature in Blackboard only calculates students’ weighted grades and not total points. Currently, Extra Credit cannot be added to weighted grades in the Ultra Course View.
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Grading & the Gradebook
- Managing the Gradebook
- Gradebook Overview, Setup, and Organization
This article will walk you through creating columns for students’ overall letter grade.
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Grading & the Gradebook
- Grading & Entering Grades
- Grading & Feedback
How do I personalize a student's assessment attempt/grade with an audio and video feedback recording in the Ultra course view?
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Communicating & Collaborating
- Discussions
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Assessing Learners
- Building & Managing Tests
Creating test questions takes a significant amount of time. The AI Design Assistant can offer suggestions for test questions, giving you extra time to focus on more complicated tasks. The AI Design Assistant is beneficial for both formative and summative assessments. Test questions are generated based on course context.
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Communicating & Collaborating
- Announcements & Messages
This article discusses creating and viewing Blackboard Ultra Announcements
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Blackboard Tutorials for Students
- Communicating & Collaborating
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Course Settings & Management
- Managing Users
Roster Functionality
- Knowledge Base
- Blackboard
- Grading & the Gradebook
- Grading & Entering Grades
- Grading Actions
Clearing an assignment attempt by a student is a quick, easy process. Follow the instructions below.