If issues are encountered that cannot be resolved with instructions or clarification of process presented in this article, please contact the Help Desk for assistance. If necessary, Help Desk may need to assign WeBWork tickets to the IT_CSE_SUPPORT for issues not resolved on initial contact.
WeBWork Grades and Bb Grade Center
What is WeBWork?
WeBWorK is an open-source online homework system for math courses. It contains a library of over 20,000 homework problems. Most of the questions target lower undergraduate math courses.
The College of Science & Engineering maintains a WeBWorK server that integrates with the Blackboard LMS. A link from Blackboard to the WeBWorK course must be created so that grading information from WeBWorK will be included in the Blackboard Grade Center.
Faculty interested in using this system should contact their local CS&E Tech for further information, or submit a Department-specific Request to request WeBWorK course creation.
Requests for WeBWorK course creation should specify the course designator, CRN, names of anyone, besides the requesting faculty member and students, who will need access to the WeBWorK course, and what access level these individuals should granted. Please submit one request for each course that is required.
Link Creation
NOTE: Students and Faculty both must use the link created in Blackboard to log into WeBWorK.
Username/password-based authentication is no longer supported as of the fall 2023 deployment.
- Submit a department-specific ticket to obtain a tool link URL, used later
- Log into Blackboard and select the Blackboard course that will link to the requested WeBWorK course.
- Follow instructions for Adding a Tool Provider Link in Blackboard, making sure to choose a name for the link, such as WeBWorK, and copying the Tool Link URL from the TeamDynamix ticket in which the request for the WeBWorK course was made during the first step.
IMPORTANT! A single column is created in the Blackboard Grade Center that has the same name as the created WeBWork link. The grade that appears in the column is equal to the number entered in the Points Possible text box multiplied by the Homework Totals percentage from WeBWorK. (Example below with Points Possible = 100). This column represents the total score of all WeBWork assignments completed.
WeBWork grades are not automatically transferred into the Blackboard Grade Center and, instead, must be manually transferred by the instructor.
If a column for each individual WeBWork assignment is desired, these columns must be manually created in the Blackboard Grade Center. Grades must be downloaded from WeBWorks, copy/pasted from the WeBWorks download file into a Bb Grade Center file download, then re-uploaded into the Blackboard Grade Center.