Request Admission Campaigns, media posts, print publications, and email communications here.

Services (8)

Create a campaign

Faculty and staff can request a new recruiting campaign to be built in Slate

Create a print publication

Admissions staff can request a new recruiting print piece not part of a larger campaign.

Create a recruiting email

Faculty and staff can request a new recruiting email to be built in Slate (not part of a larger campaign)

Create a social media post

Faculty and staff can request a new Facebook, Facebook group, Instagram or TikTok post not part of a larger campaign.

Create an event

Faculty and staff can request assistance creating a recruiting event with related forms and communications in Slate.

Create or update a web page

Faculty and staff can request a new page or report a necessary update to an existing page under

Swag design

Admission Communications will coordinate the process of obtaining a design file for swag (give-away items).

Request a resend

For Admissions staff that need to have a previous communication re-sent.