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Ultra Course Overview

This guide pertains to Ultra Course View. If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.   Introduction to Ultra Course View Blackboard

Running Total

practices are quite diverse when calculating the overall course grade. The Overall Grade is the quotient of points earned divided by total graded points available. This calculation is the Running Total

Glossary of Ultra Terms

students to monitor in comparison with their peers. Can be used to identify “at-risk” students, allowing the professor to see the correlation between one’s grade, their time spent in the Blackboard shell

Gradebook Statistics

to gain insight on your students’ performance on graded content. You may view statistics for any graded item in the course. The statistics area displays data regarding the grading status of

Offline Submissions & the Bb Gradebook

to create assessments in Blackboard that appear on the Course Content page but don't require students to upload submissions. Collect Submissions Offline Columns manually added to the Gradebook

Create a Rubric (Ultra)

scoring tool when evaluating graded work. Review the instructions or watch the video below to learn more. See also: AI-Generated Rubrics (a simple and easy way to create a rubric) Managing

Creating an Assignment in Bb Ultra

to convey to Blackboard how to record the score in the grade book with these choices: Average of all attempts First attempt with a grade Attempt with highest grade Last attempt with a grade

Importance of Automatic Zero's and Running Total: What's the Impact to my Gradebook?

:  Accuracy in Academic Standing When using the default “Overall Grade” setting with a running total, using Automatic Zeros presents the most accurate view of a student’s academic standing in the course

SCORM Advanced Settings and Reporting

 Title and select a Due date. You can also allow class conversations for students to have quick exchanges about the SCORM package. In the Grading & Submissions area, select the Grade category and number

Create a Test

one attempt is allowed, an additional menu option of "Grade Attempts" appears to convey to Blackboard how to record the score in the grade book with these choices: Average of all attempts First

Small Group Discussions

also hold the student accountable to further the group's conversation and development of discussion ideas. To enable grading on a group discussion, select the Graded discussion check box in the

Filtering the Gradebook for Merged Courses

You can filter your gradebook view based on merged courses. ... blackboard ... This guide pertains to Ultra Course View. If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.   When to Use? You can filter your Gradebook view

Concourse Syllabus (Replacing Syllabus Build Tool (SBT) in Fall 2024)

Concourse Syllabus is replacing the Syllabus Build Tool in Fall 2024. Teaching syllabi can be accessed and created directly through the "Syllabus" link on the Blackboard menu. Primary Contact: Kristi Wood, Secondary Contact: Megan Biller, ... blackboard ... Concourse Syllabus is replacing the Syllabus Build Tool in Fall 2024. Teaching syllabi can be accessed and created directly through the "Syllabus" link on the Blackboard menu. Click here for

AI Generated Rubrics

Grading rubrics offer a structured framework to assess student work. Rubrics ensure both fairness and consistency in grading. Moreover, rubrics give students clear directives to meet desired learning ... This guide pertains to Ultra Course View. If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.   Rubric Generation Grading rubrics offer a

Student Overview

your course View the student's Overall grade (e.g. Current Grade), if this column has been set up in the Gradebook From the Grades Tab, view grades earned and outstanding activities to be completed