Submitting Files into Blackboard



To attach a file to your submission, follow the steps below. Please note that you may attach any file type to an assignment or test submission.

1. Log into Blackboard and select your course.

2. Under the "Content" area, locate and click on the assignment of your choice.

3. Selecting the assignment will open a tab on the right side of your screen displaying an overview of the activity. Click on the “View Instructions” option at the bottom of this menu.

4. Under the instructions is a “Submission” space above an empty box. Upon clicking on the box, you will see a row of options.

4a. Note: You may need to scroll down to locate the "Submission" box.

5. Click on the paperclip icon highlighted by the red square in the picture above. This will direct you to select a file from your device.

6. Once you have found your file, double-click on it.

7. If done successfully, Blackboard will prompt you to edit its title. Edit your title as needed and select “Save”.

7a. Note: It is not necessary to edit the title of your document. 

8. Select the “Submit” option in the bottom right corner.

Following this submission, Blackboard will email you a submission receipt to confirm that your work has been completed.