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Setting the overall grade center in Blackboard Ultra.
Using Advanced Calculation for Overall Grade
How do I use the assignment inline grading tool in the Ultra course view?
Using Weighted Calculation for Overall Grade
Using Points as the Calculation Type for Overall Grade
This article will walk you through how to grade a test in a Blackboard Ultra course.
This article will walk you through creating columns for students’ overall letter grade.
This article covers the aspects of assigning grades in Bb Ultra
With the "Drop Grades" feature in the Blackboard Ultra course view, multiple grades can be dropped from the student's overall grade within the course. There is an option to drop the lowest or the highest grade. Follow the instructions below, or watch the video, to learn how to drop the lowest, or highest, grade in the Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra course view.
This article will assist instructors post Bb grades so the students can see the grade. Instructors can wait or post grades after grading an item.
This article will walk you through creating manually graded gradebook columns in the Ultra Course View. Manually graded columns can be created for assignments that don't require a submission in Blackboard such as class participation, extra credit, and in-class graded assignments.
This document will provide Blackboard Ultra instructors with information on how to embed Panopto videos as a graded assignment in their Blackboard Ultra course. The videos will report a grade back to the Blackboard Ultra gradebook representing the percentage of the video that the student has watched. Note: The administrator for these programs must set up the integration before instructors have this capability. They can enable this integration and feature by following the steps listed in the arti
If your instructor has assigned attendance grades, you can view your overall attendance grade and detailed records.

For each class meeting, instructors can mark whether you were present, late, absent, or excused. Each status is assigned a percentage out of 100. Your accumulative attendance grade is based on 100 percent.

Your instructors can use your attendance grade as part of your overall course grade. Also, some institutions and programs have attendance policies that require instruc
After you create a rubric and associate it with an assessment or discussion, you can use it for grading. Follow the instructions below or view the video for more information.