Creating a Manually Graded Column

This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


When to Use?

This article will walk you through creating manually graded Gradebook columns. Manually graded columns can be created for assignments that don't require a submission in Blackboard such as class participation, extra credit, and in-class graded assignments.  To learn more about tracking attendance, see Attendance Tracking Directly in the Gradebook


When you create a gradable item in your course, an entry for it is automatically created in the Gradebook. If you want to add grades for an item that doesn’t require submissions, such as extra credit, you can create a manually graded item. These grade items are also called manual grades, manually created items, or offline items.

You can't add files, rubrics, goals, or groups to manually added items. If you want to add these options to assessments without submissions, consider setting up an Offline Submission Assignment.

Creating a Manually Graded Column

1. An item can be manually added to the Gradebook from either List View or Grid View by selecting the purple plus sign wherever you want to add an item, then select Add Item.

Image:  Manually Adding an Item in List View

Adding Column Manually - List View

Image:  Manually Adding an Item in Grid View

Adding Column Manually - Grid View


Image of Add Item in purple plus menu:

Add Item Menu Option to Manual Add Column to Gradebook

2. In the Side Panel that opens, add a title such as Class Participation or Extra Credit, determine visibility preference to students.  NOTE: The title has a limit of 255 characters. If you don't add a title, "New Item" and the date appears in the list.

Provide the details, such as a description and a graded unit. You can choose points, percentages, or letters. If you choose points, specify the maximum number of points possible.

  • NOTE: If you are using this column for extra credit, set the points possible to 0.  Should a student not opt to take the extra credit opportunity, their grade will not be negatively affected.

Optionally, add the new item to a category to use when you create weighted grade calculations.

Click Save. Now you can click on the newly created column and begin entering students' grades by clicking in the blank fields under Grade. You can also add feedback for each student.
Add Item Side Panel Options for Manually Creating a Gradebook Item


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