Posting Grades

This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


Posting Grades Overview

Instructors must post grades so students can see the grade.  Instructors can wait and post grades after grading an item is completed for all students.

Watch:  Grading Actions video.

Once you post a grade, you cannot “unpost” it. You can change the grade, but you can not return to the unposted grade mode where the students cannot see the grade. You can Post Assessment Grades Automatically or they can be manually posted, when you are ready to release them to students.

You can post grades from four locations:

  1. List View: Gradable Items Tab

  2. Student Overview page

  3. Assignment Submissions Tab

  4. Grid View of the Gradebook


1) List View:  Gradable Items Tab

From the Gradebook, enter into List View (3 lines icon in upper left corner), go to Gradeable Items tab.  Any grades that need to be posted will indicate such in the Post column. Click the Post Grades box to post all grades available for posting simultaneously. 

After clicking the Post Grades button The Post All Grades window will be displayed as shown below.


2) Student Overview Page

Grades can also be posted from the Student Overview page from the Gradebook

Gradebook:  Click on a student name to be taken to the Student Overview page. On the Grades Tab, any grades ready to be posted for the student appear under the Status column:

Student Overview Page - Grades Ready to Post


3. Assessment Submission Tab

Assessment:  Click on the assessment title, then on the Submissions.  Grades ready for posting have a "Post Grade" indicator in the Post column.  Click Post Grade to submit score.

Assessment Submissions Tab - Grades Ready for Posting


4) Grid View

From the Gradebook, Grid View (window pane icon), click on the desired assessment to open a menu.  Click on Post.  All available grades for posting will be posted simultaneously for the assessment.

Grid View - Posting Grades for an Assessment


Post Assessment Grades Automatically Option

When creating an assessment, there is the option to post assessment grades automatically by checking this box found in the assessment Settings Panel:

Post assessment grades automatically



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