TeamDynamix Access Request (TDX Access Add or Remove) (ITSM)

General Information

To add or remove access to TeamDynamix. Use this request for access to an existing TeamDynamix ticketing application, project management, or to have a student removed (we already have a system to automatically remove regular employees) click Request Access and provide the details of the access change requested.


All faculty, staff, and students.


There is no charge to utilize the ITSM or PPM system as a customer or client. However, depending on the nature of access that may be requested, additional licensing may be required, which may necessitate additional costs. 

Related Services

Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) Support

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Support

Request Access


Service ID: 22333
Mon 2/25/19 9:31 AM
Thu 2/15/24 2:24 PM