CMU Device Support

General Information

Is something wrong with your office computer? Do you need assistance installing software? Are you just not sure where to go to request help with the technology you need in order to perform your job effectively? Click the Request Assistance button to report a problem or request general help.

The more specific information you can include in your request, like exact location information, asset tag numbers, and accurate contact information, the better (and likely faster!) assistance the techs assigned to support you and your department can provide.

Please note, this service applies to CMU-owned assets. For assistance with personally-owned devices, refer to the Personal Computer/Device Support services.


Primarily all current faculty, staff, and student employees.


Generally, there is currently no charge for this service. However, additional costs may apply under special circumstances.

Related Services

CMU Computer/Device Support services

Request Assistance


Service ID: 14981
Mon 9/19/16 2:00 PM
Mon 8/15/22 4:57 PM