Esports Support

General Information

Students have a dedicated Esports Center on campus in the Student Activity Center, which hosts organized, competitive gaming. The Esports Center is equipped with state-of-the-art gaming computers, featuring enthusiast-grade components. The center primarily hosts CMU's competitive gaming teams, but drop-in open play may also be available.

Use this service request to ask for assistance with any aspect of technology relating to the Esports Center and CMU's competitive gaming events. For example, problems with CMU's Esports gaming computers, peripherals, or requests for special on-site tech support for high profile gaming events. New software or games may also be requested, but require approval from the Esports staff.

Please note, this service is subject to technician availability and it is generally a good idea to submit a request with plenty of notice to allow for planning and preparation. Adequate lead times are also needed to make sure any computer configuration change does not compromise the competitive gaming environment.


All faculty, staff, and students.


There is currently no charge for this service.

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CMU Computer/Device Support services

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