Departmental File Storage (CAB)

General Information

What it’s good for

CAB shares are great for storing departmental files that need to be accessed from campus computers. These are particularly good for storing documents and files important to the department and to the university, especially if they need to be accessed or managed by multiple people in an office in which most everyone is working from traditional desktop computers. CAB shares are reasonably inexpensive and fully backed up off-site.

What it’s not so good for

CAB shares aren’t as good for off-campus access, since they are require a VPN connection from non-CMU locations. As a result, they're inconvenient for groups that contain multiple members who are frequently working from remote locations.  Finally, because access needs to be manually configured by OIT, they’re not good for sharing files outside of your department or with a group that changes frequently.

What it definitely shouldn’t be used for

Unless specific provisions have been made by OIT’s Systems team, CAB should not be used for storing specific classes of protected data such as HIPAA. HIPAA requires additional protections to be configured on all computers access the data as well as the storage location itself.


All current staff are eligible to request CAB storage, provided that requests include:

  • Desired name of the share
  • Desired size/capacity for the share
  • Cost Center number (if requested capacity of share is over 5GB)
  • List of Global IDs of users that should have access to the share


No-cost per department for up to 5GB. $25/year in minimum 100GB increments beyond 5GB up to 1TB.

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