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    How do I personalize a student's assessment attempt/grade with an audio and video feedback recording in the Ultra course view?
    This document will provide Blackboard Ultra instructors with information on how to embed Panopto videos as a graded assignment in their Blackboard Ultra course. The videos will report a grade back to the Blackboard Ultra gradebook representing the percentage of the video that the student has watched. Note: The administrator for these programs must set up the integration before instructors have this capability. They can enable this integration and feature by following the steps listed in the arti
    Now that you've booked the CIS Video Studio, there are a few things you should do to prepare for recording.
    The Lightboard Studio is a self-booking, user-guided recording studio, for instructors, located in Park Library 413I.1. The Lightboard Studio makes it easy to record high-quality, handwritten video content for courses.