Override Grades



The “Override Grade” option allows you to enter a new final score for a graded activity in place of what your student had previously earned. If the student’s score is posted, the overridden grade will be posted instead. The student will be able to see that they have received an overridden grade upon reviewing their assignment feedback.

An overridden grade will appear as the only score in the case that an assignment or assessment allows multiple attempts. Students may still review feedback for each individual attempt. You cannot override each separate attempt's score.

Overriding an assignment with a rubric will not allow students to see the individual scores for each criterion.


The easiest way to override a grade is from the “Grades” view of the Gradebook. Locate the cell where the student’s name and assignment meet and click on it. Doing this will highlight the existing score.

Type in your new score. It will save automatically.

To review your score, enter the grading view. At the top of the screen, you will see the both the original and overridden score.

Note: Your student will only see the overridden score.

To remove this score, click on the three dots to the right of the overridden grade, then select “Remove Override”. The student’s original score will be made visible automatically.