Override Grades

This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


Override Grades

Override grades are grades you assign manually. For example, if you type a score in the grade pill for the desired assessment in the Grid View of the Gradebook, the score is updated to reflect the new score entered.

In the grade pill, you can type a numeric value of no more than five digits. You can include two additional digits after the decimal point.

Grade Override Behaviors and Outcomes for Various Scenarios:

  • If you allow multiple attempts, when you manually edit the final grade for an item, you're assigning an override grade. 
  • You can only override the final grade, not the grades for each attempt. An override grade takes precedence over all other grade entries, including attempts a student submits after you assign an override grade. Also, if you regrade a question, that regraded score is applied to the attempt score. If you manually change the grade for the assessment in the Gradebook, the regraded score doesn't change the override score.
  • If you go on to grade another attempt after you manually changed the final grade, the override grade still supersedes the second attempt grade you assign. You may want to deduct points after a student has made all attempts or the due date has passed.
  • When you post grades, students can view them and any feedback you provided. All feedback for all attempts, even ungraded attempts, shows to students.

Rubrics and Grade Overrides

  • If you override a grade with an associated rubric, the override grade appears in the rubric's grade pill. When you view the content, the Rubric Details panel states that the grade is overridden.
Example message of when you have overriden a grade

You can also override an existing grade from the associated rubric. Type a new score in the rubric's grade pill. You'll see the override message in the rubric and the override label in the Gradebook. Though you can't use the rubric now, you can expand the criteria to see the descriptions.

In the rubric's grade pill, you can type a numeric value of no more than five digits. You can include one additional digit after the decimal point. The total rubric grade is always rounded to one decimal place.

If you decide you want to change the grade and use the rubric to assign grades, select Regrade with the Rubric. The rubric becomes active, and you can use it to provide grades for the assignment. The new grade appears in the Gradebook and the override label is removed.

If you set up an Overall Grade column in the Gradebook for your course, you can override the grade's automatic calculation. Go to the Gradebook Grid View and click within a student's overall grade cell. You can enter a new value or choose from the overall grade notations you set up for the course. The grade cell is shaded gray to indicate that the grade has been overridden. To undo the override, click within the cell and select Undo Override. The grade will revert back to the overall grade calculation you set up for the course.

Posted Grades

If you choose to post grades and then override those grades, the changed grades appear to students. If you entirely remove a grade that you posted, students no longer see a grade for the item. The item returns to "ungraded." After you assign new grades, you'll need to post those grades again.

Student View of a Grade Override

If you left feedback for multiple attempts, students can read each attempt's feedback after you post grades. A message appears if you've overridden the item's final grade.
Example of a grade override from the student view
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Article ID: 37010
Fri 3/31/23 2:07 PM
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