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    If your instructor has assigned attendance grades, you can view your overall attendance grade and detailed records.

    For each class meeting, instructors can mark whether you were present, late, absent, or excused. Each status is assigned a percentage out of 100. Your accumulative attendance grade is based on 100 percent.

    Your instructors can use your attendance grade as part of your overall course grade. Also, some institutions and programs have attendance policies that require instruc
    This article will assist an instructor in creating a new replacement Blackboard test for an individual student in a class.  By following the steps below, the instructor will create a new test for one (or more) students and make the test available to only those students using the Test Availability Exception settings.  The Test should also be set to NOT be Included in the Grade Center score calculations.  This is to prevent students NOT taking this test from being penalized.  Once the new test has
    Welcome to the CMU community, and thanks for visiting this page. We understand that it can be a little overwhelming to consume all of the information that comes with becoming a new student, faculty, or staff member at an organization as big as Central, so we have compiled the most important technology-related content into just a few pages. Select the demographic that best describes you and soak it all in.