Graduate or Doctoral Student System Access Extension Request Process


Students maintain access to campus systems and services through active course enrollment. "Active enrollment" means a student is registered for a course during the current semester. Students will lose access to campus systems and services if not registered for courses, but may still be working to complete outstanding coursework (incomplete assignments, dissertation, thesis, etc.), and need their access to CMU systems and services extended.

Graduate and Doctoral-level students may be obligated maintain enrollment by registering for the 619 Continuous Registration course. Further extended access will be subject to review and approval by the Office of Graduate Studies.

System Access Extension Request Process

To request extended system access:

  1. Visit the Graduate Student Forms page at
  2. Locate the Extended Access Request form in the Other Forms section of the page
  3. Complete the form and submit. Requests must contain the specific system access required, as well as the names and contact information of an Advisor and Department Chair (or Interdisciplinary Program Director) that can verify and approve the request

Once approved by all parties, Office of Graduate Studies staff will send the completed request to the Help Desk to process and extend system access.

Policy Documentation

Students may be obligated to formally enroll in a course to maintain their access to campus systems and services. This is documented in the Continuous Registration Policy, passed by the Academic Senate on November 5th, 2019.

From the online bulletin:

Continuous Registration

A graduate student requiring continuous and ongoing access to student resources (e.g., remote access to library, data storage on servers, email access) associated with a CMICH global ID requires enrollment in at least one course per academic year.  Reinstatement of access to these services commences upon reenrollment.

In addition, a program/department may require a graduate student to enroll in at least one CMU graduate credit hour each fall or spring semester for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Continuous registration is part of the program curriculum (e.g., student has completed the required coursework, but does not have an approved prospectus);
  • Significant university resources (e.g., faculty time) are necessary.

The Continuous Registration credit (course 619) within the student’s home department can fulfill this one graduate credit hour requirement.  Regardless of whether the student has registered for Continuous Registration credit(s), the student must still complete the degree within the time-to-degree limitations set forth under the degree requirements.

(Approved by Academic Senate, November 5, 2019)

Additional Point of Contact and Policy Considerations

Questions regarding the interpretation and application of the Continuous Registration policy should be directed to:

Office of Graduate Students

Undergraduate And/Or Short-Term Extension Requests

System access extension requests for undergraduate student accounts and/or for short-term needs should be requested through the Help Desk. Requests are not guaranteed and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Generally, these short-term requests are granted for purposes related to re-registration for courses or retrieval of personal information.

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