This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.
If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.
Instructors may use the “Send Reminder” function in the Gradebook to notify students that they have not yet completed a graded activity. Additionally, you may send reminders for assignments distributed via LTI and 3rd party publishers.
Selecting the “Send Reminder” option will notify students under the following circumstances:
- The user is present and available in the course.
- The user has not yet submitted an attempt on the current assignment.
- The user has not yet received an automatic zero.
- They do not have a manual override score that was posted.
- The item is unhidden from the student view and appears in the Gradebook.
To send a reminder to all users who have not yet completed an assignment, follow the steps below.
1. Enter your Blackboard Ultra course and select the “Gradebook” option from the top tab.

2. Ensure that you are using the Gradebook’s list view. To enable the list view, select the three lined icon in the top left corner of the screen.

3. Find your graded activity of choice and select the three dots icon on the right side of the screen.

4. Select “Send Reminder”. Blackboard Ultra will then prompt you to confirm your decision.

The Student View
Students who received the reminder will see that they have a new message upon entering the course. Note that you cannot customize the reminder message. Please see below for an example of the reminder from the student view: