Anonymous Grading



Anonymous grading allows you to hide your students’ names as you grade their assignment or assessment submissions. These names remain invisible until you post their scores.

Note that you must enable anonymous grading before students have submitted their work. Your students will be made aware that anonymous grading has been enabled and discouraged from including personal information in their submissions.

Additionally, you may still bulk download student submissions. The files will be named after their individual submission receipt codes.

To add exceptions and exemptions, use the students tab of the Gradebook.

Note: The following settings do not work with anonymous grading:

  • Class Conversations
  • Collect submissions offline
  • Assign to groups
  • Automatically post grades

Watch: Grading Options video


Create an assignment or assessment and enter the settings area via the gear icon in the upper right corner.

Scroll down to the “Grading and Submissions” category and check the “Hide Student Names” option. Save your work once you are finished.

The Anonymous Grading View

The grading and gradable items view will remain the same; however, your students' names will be replaced by various codes as shown below.

The “Grades” view of the gradebook will appear as shown below. You cannot access student submissions from this page.