This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.
If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.
When to Use?
The content editor provides a variety of formatting capabilities. Review the icons below to learn more.
Where does the editor appear?
The editor appears in most places you can add text. You can use the editor to add and format text, embed images, attach files, and insert equations, links, and tables.
If you view the editor on a smaller screen, select the purple plus icon or the icons with arrows to view their drop-down menu or their second-row options.
Use the options in the editor when you work in assignments, tests, discussions, messages, conversations, journals, and more.

When you open the editor on a smaller screen, the options condense into menus or second line menus that will remain open until you select the menu again or select a different option menu, for easy access:
To use your keyboard to jump to the editor toolbar, press Alt + F10. On a Mac, press Fn + ALT + F10. The focus is placed on the first icon on the left in the top row. Use the right and left arrow keys to move forward and backward. The up and down arrows don't work to navigate to different rows. Use the arrow keys to move to the end of one row and then up or down to the next available row.
Editor Icons and Options
Each editor option is represented by an icon. Some options include a menu of options.

Text Style
Select a preformatted paragraph style for the text. The options include the following formats: Title, Header, Subheader, and Paragraph (default).

Font Style
Select a font style. The options include Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Noto, Open Sans (default), Times New Roman, and Verdana.

Font Size
Select a font size. The options range from size 10 to size 48 with the default being size 14.

Color Picker
Change the text color. The options include Black (default), Grey, Purple, Blue, Green, and Red.

Bold or remove this style on selected text.

Italicize or remove this style from selected text.

Underline or remove this style on the selected text.

Text Options (Menu)
Opens a second line menu including the following options: Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, and Code Snippet.

Text option: Strikethrough
Display text with a horizontal line through the letters.

Text option: Superscript
Toggle the option to make selected text appear slightly above your regular text.

Text option: Subscript
Toggle the option to make selected text appear slightly below your regular text.

Text option: Code Snippet
Include selected computer code.

Create or Edit Table
Used to insert or edit a table. One may use the boxes or the “Insert Table” option to edit the sizing of the table.

Alignment Options
Allows the user to align their text to the left, right, center, or justify.

Lists (Menu)
Creates a second tab displaying the following options: Bulleted list, numbered list, Line-Height options, Left-to-Right direction, and Right-to-Left Direction.

Bulleted List
Create a list that uses bullet points.

Numbered List
Create a numbered list.

Line-Height Options
Select from the following spacing options: Single, 1.15, 1.5 (default), and Double.

Left-to-Right Directions
The list starts on the left side of the textbox.

Right-to-Left Directions
The list starts on the right side of the textbox.

Deletes the last action performed.

Clear Format
Resets the existing format in any section of selected text to the default view. The default text format is paragraph text, open sans, size 14, black text color, Left-aligned, and not bolded, italicized, or underlined. This tool does NOT delete text.

Creates a hyperlink for selected text.

Allows the user to attach a file from their computer storage.

Insert Content
Displays a drop-down menu where the user may choose from Math, Image, Media, Cloud Storage, YouTube Video, or Content Market.

Gives the user a list of math symbols or the option to paste an existing formula or equation.

Paste a URL from the internet to add a picture to the document. This is an alternative to the “Attachment” option.

Paste a URL from an online media source.

Cloud Storage
Upload a file from a cloud storage app such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or Box.

YouTube Video
Search for and add a YouTube video. The user may choose to rename the video and decide if it should be displayed as a link or video in their response.

Content Market
Add files or tools provided by CMU.