Clearing an Attempt in the Gradebook



Options for Resolving Student Issues

When special circumstances arise, you have two options to remedy submission issues. You can clear a test attempt or add an assessment exception. This article provides the steps to clearing, or deleting, the attempt so the student can re-attempt the assessment.

Watch:  Grading Actions video.

Clearing an Attempt

  1. Click on Gradebook tab from the top navigation in the course.
  2. From the Gradable Items tab, click on the assessment with a submission that needs to be removed.

Assignment in the gradebook containing a student submission, which needs to be deleted.

  1. Click on the student’s name who has a submission that needs to be removed.

Student's name in the gradebook with a submitted assignment.

The document opens in the Gradebook for grading and annotating.

  1. The activity is opened in the grading and annotating screen.  Click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and choose Delete to remove the attempt.

Clearing an Attempt