Gradebook Overview


Oveview of the Gradebook including an explanation of the List and Grid Views.


This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.

Gradebook Overview

The Gradebook provides several capabilities, allowing users to select from several views, grading options, and grading actions. There are three Gradebook views: Gradable Items, Grades, and Students. To enter the Gradebook, select the appropriate option from the upper menu of your course.

Gradebook Views

As discussed, the Gradebook contains the following views: Gradable Items, Grades, and Students. Your last selected view will remain saved for future grading sessions and can be toggled at any time.

Gradable Items

The gradable items view most resembles the student view of the gradebook. It provides an overview of each of the assignments, their due dates, who has turned them in, and how many submissions you have left to grade. If your assignments require you to manually post grades, you will have an option to do so on the right side of the screen. All missing assignments are highlighted red. Additionally, this view allows you to easily rearrange the order of the graded activities in your course through dragging and dropping them.


The grades view most resembles the Gradecenter from Blackboard Original. Here, you may search and filter through student names and submissions via the upper right-hand menu. This view displays the point totals, assignment titles, overall student grades, and the total number of graded and posted grades for each assignment.


Here, you may review each of your students’ point totals in your course. The student view displays each user’s name, student ID, username, accommodation status, time of last access, and overall grade. Clicking on their names will refer you to the student overview page.

Search and Filter Options

Under the Grades and Students views, you may search the Gradebook for specific graded activities and/or student names.

The upper right-hand side of the Gradebook contains the following additional options:

  • Filter: The filter icon only appears in the Grades view of the Gradebook.  This feature allows you to apply several filters to assist you in sorting through the Gradebook.
  • Search by Submission Receipt:  This allows you to search by submission receipt number for student work submitted into the course.
  • Upload: Upload the Gradebook.
  • Download: Download the Gradebook.
  • Settings Gear Icon: Opens a side pane with additional configuration options.

To learn more, see filtering options in the Grades View of the Gradebook.

filter Icon Filter Options

From the Filters side panel, you can search by a student, a group, a particular activity in the Gradebook, or by a Gradebook category:

Grid View Filtering Options


Submission Receipt Search IconSearch by Submission Receipt

Should a student indicate work was submitted into the course that you cannot locate, it can be searched by the Submissions Receipt number provided by the student.

Submission Receipt Search

Upload-Download IconsUpload and Download Options

Upload Feature Download Feature

Settings Gear IconSettings Gear Icon

Clicking the gear icon opens the Settings panel.  Here, you may manage Grade Schemas, define student performance thresholds, enable Automatic Zeroes, modify Overall Grade settings, add and edit Grade Categories, review Rubrics, and set up Overall Grade Notations.

Other Resources

Watch this short video on the Gradebook:


For a more in-depth review of the Gradebook and all its capabilities, watch The Ultra Gradebook Video Series including:

To learn more about the Gradebook and Grading see:



Article ID: 36927
Tue 2/7/23 10:57 AM
Tue 7/9/24 3:11 PM