Notification Settings (Student View)



Blackboard’s notification system is used to send alerts to students about class activity, grades, and new content as it is created in one’s course. Said notifications can appear via email, the Activity Stream in Blackboard, and push notifications via the Blackboard app. To modify your notification settings, follow the instructions below.


From the Bb Homepage, click on the tab with your name on it:

You will see a list of options. On the right side of your screen, under “System Settings”, locate the “Global Notification Settings” area and select any of the three blue links.

Based on your selection, a menu will appear on the right side of your screen allowing you to edit your settings.

Stream Notifications

Stream notifications provide updates and alerts on the items you select from the list shown below.  Notifications will appear on the Activity tab on the Bb Homepage -- this is your Activity Stream.  Click the checkboxes next to the items to toggle whether they appear in your Activity Stream and save your work when this is completed.


Email Notifications

You may decide the frequency email notifications are sent on the items you selected from above. Note that the “email once per day” option causes a single summarized email to appear in your CMU Outlook inbox at the end of each day. Check the options as needed and save your work. Unchecking each box will disable email updates.


Push Notifications

Decide which of the below options you would like to receive as a push notifications within the Blackboard app.

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