Forms are questionnaires or surveys designed to collect information or gather student opinions. They do not contain correct answers. By default, forms are not graded; however, instructors may enable grading or delegate forms for extra credit. Forms may contain the following question types:
- Multiple Choice
- True or False
- Essay/written response
- Likert scale questions
- (i.e., on a scale of 1-5, rate your experience in this course)
Participating in a Form
Answering questions within a form is identical to answering test questions. Instructors may even provide feedback.
Information regarding whether the form is graded, allows late work, number of attempts, or is a group response can be found by clicking on the form link and reviewing the menu on the right-hand side of the screen. Below is an example of a form that is not graded, allows one attempt, and does not allow for late work. Please note that if the form is a group project, one member of the team may submit an attempt on behalf of the team.