AI Generated Rubrics



Rubric Generation

Grading rubrics offer a structured framework to assess student work. Rubrics ensure both fairness and consistency in grading. Moreover, rubrics give students clear directives to meet desired learning outcomes. However, creating rubrics can take a lot of time. The AI Design Assistant creates rubrics by drawing insights from content within the course.  Watch this short Video on Creating and Editing a Rubric.

Rubric generation is an option everywhere you can create a rubric. From within assignment settings found by clicking the Gear Icon, then going to the Rubrics section, select Generate to start.

Define the rubric


There are several ways to customize the rubrics that the AI Design Assistant generates:

  • Enter a description to narrow the focus of the rubric
  • Select the rubric type: percentage, percentage range, points, or point range
  • Adjust the complexity of the rubric
  • Define the number of columns and rows

Once you’ve finalized your settings, select Generate. If the rubric meets your needs, select Continue to edit the rubric.

Name and otherwise edit rubric to add rows, columns, or edit cell descriptions


Review each cell of the rubric for accuracy. You can also further edit the rubric to better fit your teaching style and goals.