Creating and Managing Groups



Manage Individual Groups

After you create a Group or a Group Set, you can add or delete individual groups, and manage student membership. You can also edit group names, add or edit group descriptions, and send messages to your groups to kick off collaboration!

See Also:

Reminder: At this time, if you save a Custom group set, return to the group set, and select Custom again, your groups are deleted.

Add or Delete Groups

Select the purple plus sign wherever you want to add a group.

If you no longer need a group, open the group's menu and select Delete group. The students in that group are unassigned automatically and appear at the top of the page for reassignment. You can manually assign these students to new groups. Or, you can randomly assign all students—not only the students you unassigned—to the number of groups you choose.


Definition of Group Set:  A Group Set contains a specific subset of groups.  The Group itself is what the student is a member of. The Group Set page is only accessible through the Details & Action | Course Groups link. I

  • If you add or delete a group in a Group Set used to create a new Group Set, the new Group Set is unaffected.
  • If you add a group in a Group Set that you used to create a group assessment or discussion, that content item’s groups are updated. Edits to group titles and descriptions also affect the content items.
  • If you delete an entire group set used to create a group assessment or discussion, the content item’s groups are removed.
  • If you add or delete a group in a group assessment or discussion that's based on a course Group Set, the course Group Set is updated. Edits to group titles and descriptions also affect the course Group Set.
  • If you delete a group assessment or discussion based on a course Group Set, the Group Set is unaffected.

Managing Student Membership

Open the 3-dot menu next to a student's name to access these options:

  • Start a new group with the student as a member.
  • Select Unassign to remove the student from the group. Unassigned students appear at the top of the page.
  • Assign the student to a different group that already exists. Select the group's name in the menu. Groups with no members don't appear.

You can also move multiple students to a different group in one action, create a new group for them, or unassign them all from the group.

To remove all students from all groups, select Unassign All at the top of the page.


  • Membership changes in a Group Set affect the content-level items where the groups are used, such as in group discussions and assessments.
  • Membership changes in a content-level item based on a course Group Set affect the course Group Set.
  • Membership changes in a Group Set do NOT affect other Group Sets that are based on the Group Set.

Groups Tab

All groups you've created appear on the Groups tab. Group Sets with no members also appear. At the top of the page, the numbers of Group Sets and individual groups are listed.

From here, you can create a new Group Set.

Image of Course Groups page with different components labeled A through E

  1. Select a heading to sort your groups or the number of members in ascending or descending order.
  2. Show or hide the groups in a group set.
  3. Open a group set's menu to edit or delete the group.
  4. View the number of members in each group out of the total number of students in the course.
  5. Show group members. Select Show Members of an individual group to display this group's members on a panel on the right side of the page. This display lists members and indicates which have course accommodations.


Course Groups and Conversion

If you have course groups and Group Set in your Original Course View and convert to the Ultra Course View, the Group Sets appear on the Course Groups page. Groups not part of a Group Set don't appear on the Course Groups page. Also, self-enroll sign-up sheets don't convert.