Edit Tests and Questions


This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


When to Use?

After you add the first question to a test, you can edit it as you want.

See also:

See also Editing Question Pools

Add, Edit, and Delete Questions

After you add the first question to a test, select the purple plus sign wherever you want to add another question, type text, or upload a file. You can add as many text blocks and files as you want.

Students see the content just as you see it, without the editing options or the correct answers.

More on adding text and files

Before Students Open an Assessment

To make changes on a test before students have opened the assessment, click on the test title.  To change the points, select the score pill and type a new value > save.  To review/edit/delete questions in a pool, select View Questions > edit/delete question(s) as desired.

Editing Test Before Students Access

Select Align with Goal from the menu to align goals with individual questions to help your institution measure achievement. Students can view information for the goals you align with assessments and questions so they know your expectations.

More on how to align goals with course content

After Students Open an Assessment

You can edit the text of most questions and answers, even after students have made submissions. For example, you may have chosen the wrong answer, found a typo, or want to adjust points or scoring options. You can make a change for all students to see and automatically update all grades.  To make changes to a test, click on the test title.  To change the points, select the score pill and type a new value > save. 

Updates made affect existing attempts, attempts in progress, and subsequent submissions. Student grades are updated, but the new grades may not appear immediately. Students see their updated grades in their Activity Stream on the Bb homepage.

If you make changes while students have the assessment open, they won't see the changes. They need to refresh the page or submit the assessment and open it again.

After students open the assessment, you cannot make these changes:

  • Add new questions and answers
  • Delete a question
  • Delete answers in Matching and Multiple-Choice questions
  • Change the number of blanks in a Fill-in-the-Blank(s) question
  • Move the content, such as switch the order of questions, answers, or additional content
  • Add or remove questions from a question pool or delete a pool from an assessment

You can't change the points an individual student earned for an automatically graded question.

After students open the assessment or make submissions, you can make these changes:

  • Edit the text of questions and answers
  • Edit the point value
    • New grades are recalculated for all previously submitted assessments
  • Give everyone full credit for a question
  • Change which answers are correct
  • Change the scoring options for Multiple-Choice and Matching questions
  • Align questions with goals, from the assessment only

In an assessment or a student's submission, open a question's menu and select Edit/Regrade to make changes. You receive a warning after you save your changes if student submissions exist and regrading will occur.

Update & Regrade Screen

If you edit a question in a question pool, the edits appear everywhere the question is used. For example, if you change the correct answer, the question is regraded in all assessments where the question is used. The same is true for edits you make in a source assessment's questions. Those edits affect all the question pools where the question appears.

The regraded score is applied to the attempt score. If you manually change the grade for the assessment in the Gradebook, the regraded score doesn't change the override score.

Give Full Credit

You can give everyone full credit for a question you didn't explain clearly or doesn't accurately reflect your lecture or textbook material.

After you select Edit/Regrade in a question's menu, you can select the check box for Give full credit for question. After you give full credit, you can clear the check box to revert to the automatic grade or a previously assigned manual grade.

Your update affects existing attempts, attempts in progress, and subsequent submissions. Student grades are updated, but the new grades or reversal may not appear immediately.

When you give full credit, you can’t change student scores for an individual question. You can override a student’s assessment score to adjust the points if needed.

More on overriding grades

Student View of Full Credit

After grading is completed and you show students the correct answers, they can see which questions you've awarded full credit. Full credit given appears next to the grade pill and is also noted in the answers section.

Edit Files Within Questions

Files can be added to a test in one of two ways:

  1. Embedded within a question itself by clicking the paper clip icon.
  2. Embedded inline so it appears inline with other content added: purple plus > Add local file.

You can edit settings for files you've added to questions. Click the 3 dots next to the question that contains the file in question > Edit.  If it is desired to remove the file, click the trash can icon to the right of the file title.  To edit additional file settings, click on the file title, then select the pencil icon once it appears in the editor menu.  In the options menu that appears, you can edit the file name and adjust view/download settings.

Editing File Attached to Test Question


Reorder Questions, Text, and Files

Questions are numbered automatically in the order you add them. The question numbers update when you reorder. Before students open the test, you can reorder the elements of your test with the Drag to Reorder icon. Press and drag the question, text block, or file to a new location.

You can use your keyboard to move an item.

  1. Tab to an item's Drag to reorder icon.
  2. Press Enter to activate move mode.
  3. Use the arrow keys to choose a location.
  4. Press Enter to drop the item in the new location.

Edit, Reorder, or Delete Tests

You can make changes to existing tests and change where they appear on your Course Content page. Be aware that if you change an existing test that students can access, some students may have started submissions.

Press the Drag to Reorder icon in a test's row to move it to a new location. You can also move a test into a folder.

In a test's row, open the menu to access the Edit and Delete functions.

You can change the test's due date and grade unit at any time, even after students have made submissions. Students' statuses, scores, and grade units will update also.

Delete Tests

You can delete a test from your course and if no student submissions exist, the Gradebook item is also deleted. For tests with submissions, you must confirm that you want to permanently remove the test, all submissions, and grades from your course.

Or, hide the test from students to preserve the submissions and the scores in the Gradebook. Students can't access hidden tests on the Course Content page or on their grades pages even if you've graded submissions.

Other Deletion Considerations

You can’t delete the source tests for question pools from these areas:

  • Course Content page
  • Gradebook list or grid view

You also can't delete these items:

  • Folders that contain source tests for question pools
  • Question banks used in question pool


Post-Test Analysis

For information on statistics available on overall performance, assessment quality, and individual test questions, see Question Analysis.



Article ID: 36949
Wed 3/1/23 11:27 AM
Mon 4/10/23 3:06 PM