Academic Standing: Overall Grade (Student View)


NOTE: Each instructor will set up the Gradebook in their course according to how they manage their classroom, complete grading, and/or department policy. This article explains default settings in the Gradebook, which the instructor may alter. Refer to your course syllabus and instructor for specific details on how grading is completed in each course.


The overall grade section displays your total current grade in your course. Your instructors’ settings will determine whether the overall grade is visible and how it is calculated.

The overall grade may be a running total, meaning that it is calculated based on the scores earned thus far on your graded assignments. Alternatively, the overall grade may display your score out of the total number of points in the course. Said grade may appear as a point total, percentage, or letter.


If your overall grade has been set up and is visible, it will appear in the area highlighted by the purple rectangle above.

Click on your score to see the details regarding how the grade is calculated. Here, you will see the point totals associated with each category of grade. If the overall grade is weighted, percentages will appear next to each related category instead.