Automatic Zeros and Late Work (Student View)


NOTE:  Each instructor will set up the Gradebook in their course according to how they manage their classroom, complete grading, and/or department policy.  This article explains default settings in the Gradebook, which the instructor may alter.  Refer to your course syllabus and instructor for specific details on how grading is completed in each course.


If you do not submit your work before a graded item’s due date, you will be assigned an automatic zero. Depending on the assignment or assessment’s settings, you may still be able to submit your work after the due date. 

Automatic zeros will be labeled as such in the Gradebook. Under the “Status” column, you will see a “Past Due” message.

Late Work

If you are unsure if you may submit your work after the due date, click on the assignment. 

If you are allowed to submit additional work, the “Grading” area will tell you that you may submit now to update your grade.

Bullet points will appear under the “Details and Information” area if you are not allowed to submit late work.

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