Test Settings in Blackboard Ultra (Student View)

This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


Upon clicking on a test, the user may view the parameters of their assigned test before beginning the assessment. This menu always opens on the right side of the screen.

In the example above, the user is notified that they cannot complete the test nor create or continue attempts before the due date.

The student is given three attempts to complete the test. Their current attempt is indicted by the box at the bottom of the screen.

Lastly, the user can view the grading settings for this assignment. The attempt grading system consists of the following formats:

  • Average of all attempts
  • First attempt with a grade
  • Attempt with the highest grade
  • Last attempt with a grade
  • Attempt with the lowest grade

Ensure that you are aware of the grading settings before beginning each of your attempts.

Upon completing an attempt, the test settings display as shown above. Note that the current attempt will update to match the number of available sessions remaining. To view one’s previous attempt, select the “X Submitted” option under the “Attempts” area. Attempt grades will appear here as well.

Upon selecting your attempt of choice, the user may view their responses as well as scores and feedback depending on whether grades have been posted. Feedback is indicated by a purple textbox next to one’s score. Note that in the example above, the user's highest score is displayed and used in the grade center.

If you opt to save your test and return to it later, the test will indicate this at the bottom of the screen as you reenter the assessment.

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Article ID: 37112
Wed 7/19/23 10:45 AM
Wed 7/19/23 11:59 AM