SCORM Analytics

This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


SCORM Analytics

Get insight into your SCORM package with analytics reports. You can view SCORM activity for the class as a whole or an individual student's progress. The reports contain key pieces of data that help put student performance in context.

Analytics reports aren't available for ungraded SCORM packages.

Course SCORM report

To view a course SCORM report:

  1. Go to the Course Content page.
  2. Open the menu for the SCORM package and select View Analytics.
  3. This report shows performance for the whole class.

The course-level SCORM report shows you how students perform on average. The averages in the report are calculated based on submitted attempts.

  • Average score: Average score of all attempts on the SCORM. The SCORM's total possible points are also visible to help put the number in context.
  • Completed attempts: The number of students who submitted an attempt compared to the total number of students. This number is also shown as a percentage.
  • Average time spent per SCO: If the SCORM package contains multiple SCOs, this number shows the average time students spent on all SCOs.
  • Average total time spent: Average amount of time students spent in the SCORM.

The table shows detailed data for each SCO in the SCORM package. View the SCO Title, Scaled Score, and Average Time Spent.

If the SCORM package contains no SCOs, the table contains one row and SCO Title appears as Index.

Student SCORM report

To view a student's SCORM report:

  1. Go to the Grades & Submissions page.
  2. Select a student's submission.
  3. You can find this page from the Gradebook List View or when you preview the SCORM.

If you allow multiple attempts for the SCORM, an analytics report appears for each attempt. You can't see every attempt a student makes in one analytics report. Select an attempt to view this information:

  • Time spent: Amount of time the student spent in the SCORM. Compare this number with Course average time spent to determine if the student completed the attempt quickly or spent more time than other students. This information is helpful to determine if a student struggled to complete the SCORM.
  • Course average time spent: Average amount of time students spent in the SCORM. The average is calculated based on submitted attempts.
  • Amount attempted: Student's progress in the SCORM, measured as a percentage. The value is 100% when the SCORM attempt is complete.
  • Status: Student's attempt status.

The table shows detailed data for each SCO in the SCORM package. View the SCO Title, Status, Score, Student Response, Result, and Time.

  • SCO Title: Title of the specific SCO contained in the SCORM.
  • Status: Whether the student completed or didn't complete the SCO.
  • Score: Student's score for a graded SCO.
  • Student's Response: Student's response to the SCO.
  • Result: Whether the student answered the SCO's questions correctly or incorrectly.
  • Time: How long the student spent within the SCO.

If the SCORM package contains no SCOs, the table contains one row and SCO Title appears as Index.

You have access to all grading features when you view a student's SCORM report. Enter a grade, add feedback, post the grade, or delete the attempt.

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