Mapping Learning Management System (LMS) Course Sections to a Taskstream Directed Response Folio (DRF) Program

Tags course LMS DRF

This task requires the Taskstream Coordinator role to perform. If you are not a TS Coordinator please contact your departmental TS Coordinator for assistance.


Mapping LMS Course Section(s) to a Taskstream DRF Program:

  1. Log into the Taskstream LAT module. Find an existing Taskstream DRF program
  2. Under the DRF Template tab, click the LMS Mapping button. You will get directed to the LMS Mapping page
  3. On the left panel is a list of your DRF structure, while the right panel shows all the LMS course sections that were imported into Taskstream. All course sections are initially set as dark blue, but once a course section becomes mapped, the color will become a lighter shade of blue
  4. Use the Search bar to look for a specific course. The system will filter the course section results based on the search text. You can then manually click and drag the course sections over to the left panel against the appropriate DRF area
  5. Some shortcuts include:
    1. Selecting more than a one-course section at a time by holding the CTRL key + clicking multiple course sections
    2. Dragging course section(s) onto a DRF category to apply mapping to all of the requirements in that category
  6. Once you have your course section(s) dragged over to the left-hand side, the mapping is automatically saved
  7. Navigate back to your LMS course and click on the LTI link. If the connecting user's role is an instructor, the user should simply get directed into the Taskstream homepage. If the connecting user's role is a student, the user should get directed into the Taskstream DRF's assignment(s)
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