Obtaining Academic Transcripts (Myhub)

Registrar's Website

Instructions and links for obtaining both official and unofficial transcripts can be found by following the instructions below, or by directly accessing the Registrar's website (easily found by searching for "transcript" on www.cmich.edu, which does not require a Global ID and password to access):


Myhub (National Student Clearinghouse)

The Myhub system can be accessed using two methods from the https://www.myhub.org/education page:

  1. Method 1 (applies to current students and alumni, requires an active CMU email account): search for "Central Michigan University", select it from the list of results, and click the Continue button. This will redirect to the CMU single sign-on login screen
    NOTE: if a Global ID account exists, the Help Desk can re-enable the account and reset the password, but these credentials will not at the Myhub site until the next day to allow time for CMU and Myhub systems to synchronize during an overnight process. For more immediate access to the Myhub site, see Method 2 below.

  2. Method 2 (applies to former students without an active CMU email account): create and Login with either LinkedIn or Google account credentials

For all other situations, contact the Registrar's Office directly at (989) 774-3261 for assistance.


View Academic History (Requires Global ID)

Academic History can be used as a possible substitute for the more official transcript if simple verification of current or previous academic activity with CMU is required.

  1. Navigate to https://apps.cmich.edu/AcademicHistory/ and sign in with your Global ID and password
  2. Select an academic Level (Undergraduate or Graduate/Doctoral). You can also select the Personalize option to receive a personalized report with your name and address
  3. Click the Retrieve Academic History button
  4. A report will be generated in PDF format
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