Blackboard: Course Roles Defined

Course Role Overview

Course Roles control access to the content and tools within a Course. Each user is assigned a role for each Course in which they participate. For example, a User with a role of Teaching Assistant in one Course can have a role of Student in another Course. The Course Role is usually set when a User is enrolled, but it can also be modified after enrollment from the Control Panel.


Course Roles Include:


Copy Only

The Copy Only role allows users access to a course in a similar manner to that of the Student role. Users can see course content, but not edit it.  There is no access to additional course menu options that an instructor has and they cannot access the Gradebook.  They are allowed, however, the ability to copy content from the course they are enrolled in with the Copy Only role out to a different course shell.

Course Builder

The Course Builder role has access to most areas of the Control Panel. This role is appropriate for a user to manage the Course without having access to Student grades. A course builder can access the course if the course is unavailable to students. A course builder cannot delete an instructor from a course, but can edit content.

Course Builders have access to the following areas of the Control Panel:

  • Course Files
  • Course Tools
  • Users and Groups
  • Customization
  • Packages and Utilities
  • Help


A Grader assists the Instructor in the creation, management, delivery, and grading of items, such as tests, assignments and discussion board posts. A Grader also assists the Instructor with managing the Grade Center. A Grader cannot access a Course if it is unavailable to Students.

Graders have access to the following areas of the Control Panel:

  • Course Files
  • Course Tools
  • Evaluation
  • Grade Center
  • Packages and Utilities (limited)
  • Help


Instructors have access to all areas in the Control Panel. This role is generally given to those developing, teaching or facilitating the class. Instructors may still access a course that is unavailable to Students.

Instructors are able to:

  • Enroll, Search and List Users
  • Import/Export/Archive and Copy Courses
  • Modify Course Name and certain Course Settings

Instructors are not able to:

  • Create, Modify, Batch Create or Delete Users
  • Create or Delete Courses



Student is the default Course Role. Students have no access to any areas of the Control Panel, including the Grade Center. Students are able to view course content and view their own grades through the My Grades tool.


Teaching Assistant

The Teaching Assistant (or TA) role is much that of a co-teacher. They are able to administer all areas of a course, create content, enter grades and have access to most all tools and features in the Control Panel. If the Course is unavailable to Students, Teaching Assistants may still access the course.  A Teaching Assistant can enroll other users as a Student, but cannot add/remove instructors from a course.



The Facilitator role functions much as an Instructor and has the ability to teach, engage and grade with full access to the Grade Center, but they cannot create, edit, or manage course content.  The Facilitator role provides the functionality needed for Peer Reviewers to review a course.



Users with the role of Guest have no access to the Control Panel. Specific menu areas within the Course must be made available to Guests before they can be accessed. Typically Guests can only view materials, but will not have access to tests, assignments or the ability to post, upload files, etc. If a visitor requires any type of interactive abilities in a course, it is recommended they be given a Student role, rather than Guest.



The Reviewer role offers the ability to access everything within a course, including the Control Panel Tools and Grade Center. Reviewers cannot edit, modify or delete course content, file attachments or users, however the Reviewer role does provide full access (read/write/modify) to the Grade Center. The Reviewer role is most often utilized during the process of developing an online course, where additional users are granted access to review course materials and provide feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I'd like to have one of my existing student's help me with building my course and adding some content. As I understand it, the Course Builder role does not allow access to the Grade Center, only the course materials, so can I just change their role to make them a Course Builder in my course?
If they will also be participating as a student and receiving a grade for the course, the answer is No. A person can only have one role in a course--changing an existing student to a Course Builder will remove their existing grades from the Grade Center. From a grade integrity standpoint, with the Course Builder role they would also have access to any online exam questions/answer keys or instructor-only files stored within the course. The preferable option would be to select a student who is not officially enrolled as a student for this task.


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