Blackboard: Self-Enroll Blackboard Shells


Occasionally, a special purpose Blackboard shell is needed where it is also desirable to allow users with a CMU Global ID and password the ability to self-enroll or place themselves into the shell (e.g. not requiring someone manually add each user to the Bb shell). This is known as a self-enroll Blackboard shell. A few examples of this type of shell may be department-wide, internal documents and information sharing; training or professional development workshops; or program orientations.

To request a self-enroll Blackboard shell, contact the CMU Help Desk. Be sure to specifically state you need it to be a self-enroll shell. If it is desired for the shell to be available for longer than 1 year, the typical shelf-life of a Bb course shell, please also specifically request a 3 or 5-year life for the shell. Once, created, you will be provided with a unique URL for the course for users to access. You can share this link where it is appropriate for users to gain access to the course.



Article ID: 36482
Fri 1/22/21 1:06 PM
Tue 8/20/24 9:46 AM

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