Known Issues & Behaviors


Offline Submissions

  • assignment needs instructor to add submission date/time for each student before rubrics can be accessed to grade with.
  • Offline submissions still indicate “Missing” if the instructor did not enter in the submission date/time for each student (even if they are graded)


Assignment Instructions

  • show an old version of the instructions when students review graded assignments (if the assignment was originally copied from Bb OCV)  Case Number: 05460928. 

  • On a similar note, the instructor sees the old version of Instructions on the Grading Panel when grading. Case # 05444463
  • Answers students provide are truncated when viewing inline in Bb Annotate.  Instructor can only see the full answer if the submission is downloaded and then viewed. Per Anthology: I have found that we have had similar reports of this happening. We have a ticket with our Product Development team to review this issue and I will keep you updated on their progress.  Case #05444463
  • Unable to delete a file attached to an assignment IF students have accessed that assignment (access = draft submitted even if no attempt has been made on the activity).  Case #05423699.



  • If you copy an item in Ultra internally (from course A to course A) and it has a group associated.  You must set the item to "no groups" and save it.  Then set the group as normal and resave.
  • If groups aren’t assigned to a group assignment, the total points for that activity are not included in the overall course points on the Grades Tab for each student.  Example:  Course is worth 500 points and has a group assignment worth 50 points. Each students “total points earned / total course points” will be off by 50 points so total points earned should be out of 500 but instead it will say 450.


"Draft" Submissions

  • When students click on view instruction and don't submit anything a draft is created that shows up as needs grading but can't be graded or removed (Anthology is working on this?) 
  • Assignment/Assessment instructions cannot be edited if a student has accessed or submitted the activity.  If changes are needed, create a copy of the activity, edit as needed, and delete original (being careful not to delete any work already submitted).



  • On rare occasions a journal might be set to submit 3 times before it shows up in needs grading in OCV.  If copied over to Ultra this setting manifests as the student will not see any submissions until the submission number is met.  The instructor could see all the submissions the whole time.
  • If a rubric is used to grade a Journal, the student cannot access the rubric to view their score for each criterion. Case #05450219. Anthology was able to fix this issue in the course it was being experienced in; however, I don't know if this was a fix for just this course or whether they fixed it system-wide. They told me we should re-build all Journal Rubrics when migrating them from OCV to UCV.  I shared this was not an acceptable solution.  UPDATE:  If a score is awarded on a Journal via an override (e.g. the rubric wasn't used to grade the journal OR the overall score awarded differed from the score tallied up for each criterion) the graded rubric will NOT be shown to the student -- they will only see the rubric as it is attached to the assignment. Below is an image of the overall score differing from the criterion score total:
    Rubric Score
    For more details watch this video from Anthology (start at 1:42 mark).
  • Bb Admins cannot access a Journal from the Gradebook w/o being enrolled in the course.  Case #05450219. UPDATE: Anthology recognizes this now as a Bug and plans to fix this in a future update.
  • Journals may show up as in progress even though they have been submitted and graded (this may have been fixed already?)


Access Code on LDB Tests, Case #05484671

In OCV LDB would set a special password in the test options password field so Bb would know it is a LDB required test.  UCV does not do this.  When a LDB test is copied over from OCV to UCV the test options password field still copies over with a password in it and it manifests as the Access Code Field in Ultra as being set and enabled.  The Access Code Field in Ultra is only for an actual proctor.  NOT LDB.

To fix:

  • First try to disable the access code in settings, click "continue" in the "Turn access code off?" pop-up, click save.
  • If that doesn't work, you have to re-build the exam from scratch and omit the original one a copy of the exam to the course.


Re-grading a Student Using a Rubric When an Automatic Zero or Previous Grade Already Exists

Delete the score (not the attempt) (delete score from gradable items > item name page) then re-grade


Changing Point Values in Test Questions:

  • Delete the over-all point value first
  • Then change the individual point values
  • save
  • (If you don't do this the over-all points may not change)
  • NOTE:  It is easier for us as Admins to use the ‘back door’ method into a course to update question point values in mass versus the instructor having to update them one by one.


Bb Annotate

  • When Editing Comments inserted into a paper using Bb Annotate, if the instructor returns to edit already-added comments, and IF the instructor has a MAC, the cursor jumps to the end of the comment box versus allowing instructor to type where desired in the comment box. Essentially, they cannot update their comments.  Case # 05450885
    Update on Case, Per Anthology:
    I have been researching your case and was able to replicate it on a MacBook Air M2 with macOS Sonoma Version 14.7. 
    I was able to cause it in Safari Version 17.6 (19618.; however I could not get the issue to occur with either Chrome or FireFox.

    It appears that every time I try to edit the Comment, the following message is logged in the Browser Console:
    Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.
    (anonymous function) pspdfkit.js :200067

    At a glance, the particular section of code generating the error seems to pertain to a function which gauges the approximate size of elements on the screen and could very likely be connected to the behavior we are seeing. 

    I will continue to research the issue and update you as soon as I have more information.

  • Using the download icon on the Bb Annotate menu results the work submitted always being downloaded into a PDF format.  Clicking the 3 dots menu above the Bb Annotate menu bar, will download the item in its original submitted format.


Grades Not Posting. Case #05482936

Not sure the cause, but grades will not post despite attempting to post through various methods.  Per Anthology this is a known issue they are working to resolved.  Internal ticket SI-05385098.

Per Anthology, here is the work-around:  from the Grading Panel, UNgrade one of the scores on a question > re-add the score > Post the Grade.  Grade should now display on the Grades tab for the student/activity.


Needs Grading Calculation Incorrect When Scores Are Entered Via an Override.  Case # 05446726

  • Working to ensure all tools work in the same way in being counted as Needs Grading.

Needs Grading Info from Anthology


Extra Credit Points [Case 3 05448717]

Extra credit activities are given a score of “0” and may not calculate into the Overall Grade for a student who completes the extra credit opportunity.  This could be for a few reasons:

  1. Gradebook Settings: In some grading systems, extra credit points need to be associated with a non-zero value to affect the overall grade. When the activity is set to "0" points, it might not register the extra points as contributing to the final grade. Setting the extra credit to a small value like "0.01" can sometimes trigger the system to include these points in the overall calculation.
  2. Grade Posting and Visibility: If the extra credit scores are not yet posted or if the activity is hidden from student view, this could affect how the overall grade is calculated. The system may not include unposted grades or hidden activities in the final calculation.
  3. Grade Calculation Rules: There may be specific rules or settings in the Gradebook that determine how extra credit is applied. Adjustments may be needed in these settings to ensure the extra credit points are correctly reflected.


Progress Tracking Turned Off by Instructor, Turns Itself Back On [Case #0544518] 

Per Anthology:  I can confirm that this behavior you have reported is related to a known issue already identified. Currently, we do not have a targeted release for this fix nor a workaround available. We do understand the inconvenience this may cause but, our Product Development Team is working actively on it to find a solution.


Discussion Forums Magically Deleted When Grading (including Student posts and any scores awarded). Case #05446622