Adding a Tool Provider Link in Blackboard


A Tool Provider is a 3rd party tool that implements the LTI protocol.
Tool Providers and LTI

LTI provides the seamless integration of externally hosted web-based Learning Tools. If the LTI Tool Provider is already configured, links can be created to the available Tool Providers. If you have been in contact with the Tool Provider directly, a key, secret, or a block of configuration XML may have been supplied which can now be entered.


This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.

This article will assist instructors adding a LTI Tool Provider link.  A Tool Provider is a 3rd party tool that implements the LTI protocol.


1. Hover your mouse in the desired area of the Content Area and click on the Purple Plus when it becomes visible.


2. Click on Create



3. Select Teaching Tools with LTI Connection



4. Enter the appropriate URL information and any other setting information and click Save.



Article ID: 37280
Fri 4/19/24 10:28 AM
Fri 4/19/24 10:50 AM