This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.
If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.
Group Assignment Creation
To create a group assignment, first start with creating your groups from the Groups tab. Once groups have been created, then create your assignment and add the groups to the assignment from the Assigned Groups section within the assignment settings accessed from the Gear icon.
If desired, unique due dates can be assigned to each group using the exceptions work flow.
From the group assignment, go to the Submissions page, click the 3-dot menu to the right of a group, then select Add or Edit Exceptions

The Exceptions panel that opens displays relevant information such as the assignment name and selected group name. This helps ensure the accuracy of an exception. Instructors can select a due date for the group using the date and time picker.

Assessing Individual Student Contribution to a Group Assignment
It is important to verify that all students in a group completed fair and equitable levels of work on a group project. This can be determined by obtaining input from all members of the team through the completion of a Group Member Evaluation form. To aid faculty in setting up this form in their course shell, a generic Group Member Evaluation form has been created that can be copied into a course shell. To learn more, see Group Member Evaluation form tutorial.