Course Modalities (Student View)


This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.

If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.


There are four primary modalities (or means of course delivery) offered at CMU. Traditional or in-person, online synchronous, online asynchronous, and Hyflex. This article features a general overview of how these modalities are most often facilitated. It is important to note that these descriptions are broad observations rather than absolute predictions.





Class meetings are held in-person.

  • Emphasis on classroom work
  • Course participation is measured by weekly attendance and group discussions
  • Some materials may be distributed in class while others may use the course shell
  • Face-to-face communication

Online Asynchronous

Class runs on a predetermined schedule

  • No weekly meeting times
  • All course materials are uploaded from the beginning of the semester
  • Students must be self-paced
  • Communication between students may be completed on graded discussion boards
  • Instructors communicate with emails and/or announcements

Online Synchronous

Class sessions are live and held virtually

  • Lectures are held online via WebEx or Microsoft Teams
  • Students must login to lectures weekly
  • Student discussions are facilitated via breakout rooms
  • Interactions between students may be graded


Class sessions are live and held virtually and physically

  • Students decide between attending weekly sessions virtually or online
  • Lectures are recorded for future reference
  • Features elements from online and traditional sessions



Article ID: 37067
Mon 5/15/23 11:40 AM
Tue 5/16/23 9:34 AM