This guide pertains to Ultra Course View.
If your course is in Original Course View, see the Original Course View tutorial collection.
When to Use?
You can use the “Add Course Schedule” option to include the dates, times, and location used to hold class meetings.
1. Select the “Add Course Schedule” option on the left-hand menu.

2. Select the plus sign icon to add a new time.

3. Enter a name for the meeting using the "Nickname" text box. Some examples of meeting Nicknames can include "Lecture" or "Lab".

4. Select the calendar icon to choose a date.

5. Use the clock icons to select start and end times for your session.

6. Use the options shown below to clarify how often these meetings take place and during what days of the week. The example shown below depicts a class that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week from 12:00pm to 1:15pm.

7. The location option can be used to enter a physical location on campus or the link to your WebEx room for virtual meetings. See both examples below.

8. Select "Save". If done correctly, the meeting information will appear in the bottom-left corner of your homepage.