Purchasing: Process - Device Purchase


Personal Purchases

CMU faculty, staff and students can make personal purchases through the University's Apple and Dell programs:

  1. For Apple purchases, visit the CMU Bookstore or Apple's education store.
  2. For Dell purchases, Please send an email directly to Barry Waters at water1b@cmich.edu to inquire about significant educational discounts on Dell options. We expect more options to be available as this program matures.

NOTE: Recommended configurations for CMU workstation (non-personal) desktop and laptop computers are also available from the Pre-approved Computer Purchases list. This configuration information may prove useful to interested parents looking to buy their CMU student a computer.

NOTE: CMU's Office 365 license is free to all current staff, faculty, and students for personal use. You can see how to download, install and set up Office by viewing the Download, Install and Activate Microsoft Office on a Personal Computer article.


Institutional Purchases

For institutional purchases, we have a formal process in place and to get started, please visit the Technology Acquisitions service page: https://cmich.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=22300. This service essentially makes sure the device you get is in accordance with CMU policy and Federal and State laws, by making the technology products and services appropriately accessible, meet campus security standards, and be technically supportable. This acquisition process is designed to ensure that these standards are met, any residual risk is appropriately managed, and all purchases are appropriately cost effective.

Should you need any help figuring out what device is best for you in your department or how to fill out the TAC form, contact the Help Desk and they can get you in touch with your local desktop support technicians as necessary to help ensure an informed decision is made.