Blackboard: Grade Center - Uploading Scantron Results


Uploading Results into Grade Center

  1. Save the CSV file (which will be included within the Scanning Services email) to an easily found location (i.e. Desktop).
  2. Open a web browser and login to Blackboard.
  3. Access the course shell in which the results are to be uploaded.
  4. In the course shell, select Full Grade Center by expanding the Grade Center area of the Control Panel menu.

  1. In the Grade Center, hover over the Work Offline menu on the right and select Upload.

  1. On the Upload Grades screen, click the Browse... button (next to Attach local file) and search for the CSV file saved earlier on the computer and click Open.
  2. Once the file is attached, select Comma for the Delimiter Type.
  3. When finished, click Submit.
  4. The Upload Grades Confirmation screen will display. Any incorrect Global IDs will be displayed in the FAILURE section at the top of the page and will not have a grade entered for them in the Grade Center. All correct Global IDs will be assigned grades by clicking the Submit button. Refer to the FAQ's at the end of this tutorial for troubleshooting advice for missing grades.

Including Results in Grade Center Calculations

Once results have been uploaded in the Grade Center, several column options must be modified in order for the results to be included in Grade Center calculations.

  1. In the Grade Center, find the new column containing the uploaded results, click the Action Menu button at the top of the column and select Edit Column Information.
  2. In the Edit Column window, change the Primary Display to the desired option other than text (typically Score)

  1. Choose a Secondary Display type if desired. This will display as a value in parenthesis in the Grade Center, it is not displayed to students.
  2. Change the column's Category type if desired.
  1. Add a value to the Points Possible field.

  1. When finished, click Submit.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. When I upload my class’s scanning results into Blackboard, some students appear not to have grades in their grade cell, even though their names/results appear in the “Result Cards” file. How come?
This typically indicates that the students in question did not include their Global ID on the Scantron answer card or the Global IDs entered were invalid. An accurate Global ID is required in order for the grading data to be matched with a student record in the Grade Center.

Q2. How can I find out if a student had, in fact, not entered his/her global ID or entered it incorrectly?
To make this determination, open the Reports file, which should have been attached to the email received from the OIT Help Desk. The information relating to this question can be found at the top.



Article ID: 19516
Thu 12/1/16 9:10 PM
Wed 5/22/24 2:20 PM